Hello world! I'm a full stack developer based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. My personal interests lie within front end development and watching Ghost Adventures.
linkedin githubexperience
My foundation consists of the MERN stack and my current goal as a jr developer is to expand upon my Javascript foundation while adding to a team that values collaboration as much as independence. I completed a year long internship last year which focused on front end development, primarily with Wordpress and PHP but I am ready and determined to get back to my foundations and pursue a Javascript focused career path.
Professional Contributions
Repcap.com During this project I was responsible for developing the forms, including mockups and asnycronous backend restful API interactions, as well as the navigation menu, and the scrolling logo banner on the homepage. This site is a headless Wordpress CMS build with NextJS as the frontend framework. Many animations and interactions are built using GSAP. ManagingEditor.com For this project I was responsible for the homepage as well as the search bar within the navigation menu and the associated search results page, the podcast page, and a newsletter form and a question submission form, both included backend restful API interactions as well. This was built using Elementor and required us dropping in to PHP files to create customized Wordpress blocks and components.Full Resume
Apex Legends Stats Viewer
Built using NextJS, player stats viewer for the video game Apex Legends. The UI was built to imitate the character select menu prior to season 16.
Whatchu Meme?
A meme generator app built using React with a MongoDB powered database, Mongoose and Graphql on the backend.
A weather app styled like Win98 that displays your local weather upon loading and offers an option to search any place in the world. Built using React.